FREE parking
3 hour free parking with 3 levels to choose from.
Pender Place has 233 free* car parking spaces available, including ample undercover parking with access off Elgin or Church Streets.
Disabled Parking – 8 disabled persons parking bays are located next to the entries.

*3 hour free parking for customers only
Rules and Regulations
As a visitor to our centre, we would like you to be kindly aware of our rules and regulations as entering the centre constitutes acceptance of the following conditions.
All visitors are reminded there is a 3hr time limit to park.
- Please ensure your vehicle is left secure
- Cycling, rollerblading or skateboarding inside the Centre is prohibited and offenders will be prosecuted
- Consumption of alcohol is prohibited
- Smoking inside the centre is prohibited
- No dogs are allowed inside the centre
Vandalising private property is a serious offence, and offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Pender Place reserves the right to take appropriate legal action for any loss, liability or damage caused or contributed to or by an offender. Pender Place reserves the right to restrict any person or group from entering the Shopping Centre or car park.
By entering and using this car park, you do so at your risk and you release the owner and manager from any damage, loss or liability that you may suffer or incur.
Please be aware that security cameras are continuously recording and that the centre and car park are under 24hr surveillance.
COVID-safe, with protocols in place for safe shopping
Free WiFi available throughout Pender Place Shopping Centre